Dried flowers from roses and rose petals

Dried roses – Picking the flowers and petals to make dried flowers

Uses for these dried flowers: dried rose potpourri or rose petal wedding confetti
1. Dried rose potpourri
These dried roses have a really good natural fragrance, so I will probably just place them in a bowl and enjoy them as is. When the fragrance fades, I will add a drop or two of high quality fragrance oil to the dried flowers. This is not true potpourri making, but it’s quick and easy.
For hints and tips see my previous posts on rose potpourri and potpourri making.
2. Rose petal wedding confetti
I haven’t got a family wedding to attend this year, but it would be very easy to separate the dried rose petals from the flower and use as a pretty, biodegradable and 100% natural wedding confetti.
For more about weddings see my previous posts: Inspirational wedding shoot | making wedding confetti | making confetti cones | dried lavender as a wedding theme